Gallup: Even Democrats Are Losing Faith in the Media
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2024-10-15 21:06:08 UTC
It is best to go to the citation to see the charts.


Gallup: Even Democrats Are Losing Faith in the Media
David Strom 2:00 PM | October 15, 2024

AP Photo/Mark Lennihan
I have been pounding the table, shouting from the rooftops, and ringing
the alarm bell about how the so-called "mainstream media" presents the
biggest long-term threat to America and Western Culture, with perhaps
the education-industrial complex tied in its level of damage done to the

Both are fundamentally corrupt, poison the mind and are driven by a sick
ideology of hatred toward freedom and free markets.

The decline in trust for higher education is accelerating, and even the
K-12 system, which people used to revere, is now getting hammered
post-COVID. School choice advocates are suddenly making progress after
decades of being stalled by Democrats and their union allies.

But the decline in trust that has plagued the media has been going on
the longest and is now creeping into the consciousness of Democrats as
well as Independents and Republicans.

Thirty-six percent of Americans have NO trust in the mass media, and 33%
have not very much trust. Only 31% have either a great deal or a fair
amount of Trust, which is excellent and remarkable.

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Americans continue to register record-low trust in
the mass media, with 31% expressing a “great deal” or “fair amount” of
confidence in the media to report the news “fully, accurately and
fairly,” similar to last year’s 32%. Americans’ trust in the media --
such as newspapers, television and radio -- first fell to 32% in 2016
and did so again last year.

For the third consecutive year, more U.S. adults have no trust at all in
the media (36%) than trust it a great deal or fair amount. Another 33%
of Americans express “not very much” confidence.

Democrats have long trusted the "mainstream" media (it is obviously no
longer so mainstream!) much more than Independents and Republicans, but
COVID and the initial years of the Biden administration led to a
rebound. All that talk of "misinformation" and the hysteria around COVID
led to a "rally around the flag" effect, but that has worn off. I
suspect the disconnect between what the media said about the economy and
Biden's mental acuity has led to that huge dropoff.

Older folks still have the most trust in the "news," having grown up and
developed information-consumption habits back when the media was
liberal, but not nearly as corrupt as it is now. Younger folks, on the
other hand, have the least trust, probably because they see the huge
disconnect between what they are told and what they experience.

The news media is the least trusted group among 10 U.S. civic and
political institutions involved in the democratic process. The
legislative branch of the federal government, consisting of the U.S.
Senate and House of Representatives, is rated about as poorly as the
media, with 34% trusting it.

In contrast, majorities of U.S. adults express at least a fair amount of
trust in their local government to handle local problems (67%), their
state government to address state problems (55%), and the American
people as a whole when it comes to making judgments under our democratic
system about the issues facing the country (54%).

Between 40% and 48% of Americans trust the judicial branch headed by the
U.S. Supreme Court, men and women in political life, the federal
government’s handling of international problems, and the executive
branch led by the president. Fewer U.S. adults trust the federal
government’s handling of domestic problems (37%).

Obviously, we have work to do in order to make people even more cynical
about these other institutions, but the only way we can do that is to
keep chipping away at trust in the no-longer mainstream media. Trust in
most local government is misplaced, and only some state governments
deserve trust, such as Florida.

Before you celebrate too much, remember that the media still has a lot
of control over what people see. Not everybody spends tons of time on
Twitter/X or reads alternative media, so while they distrust what they
see in the MSM, they may not get to see the whole story. Controlling the
flow of information is as important as being able to spin things. That
is why censorship is the big project of the left.

Majorities of Democrats, ranging from 54% to 82%, express a great deal
or fair amount of trust in all but two of the entities -- the
legislative and judicial branches of the federal government. For their
part, majorities of Republicans have confidence in the judicial branch
and state and local governments.

In addition to the media, Democrats’ trust exceeds Republicans’ by more
than 40 points for the executive branch, the federal government’s
handling of international and domestic problems, and candidates for
public office. Republicans’ trust outpaces Democrats’ in just one of the
entities -- the judicial branch.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but I think one of the big reasons
why there is such a strong divide is that many Democrats are susceptible
to brainwashing. Their craziness about COVID, their acceptance of gender
ideology, and their embrace of censorship are all driven by a desire to
have their reality defined by others. They seek the comfort of giving in
to the will of others.

It's why you so often see leftists perfectly comfortable believing
incompatible ideas. They simply accept what they are told.

Not all Democrats are like that, of course, and some Republicans surely
are. But study after study shows that Republicans are generally more in
tune with reality (that is not a prejudice of mine; there really are
such studies), and understand Democrats, while Democrats don't
understand Republicans.

There are plenty of Republicans who live in a bubble, too, but the
proportions are vastly different. If 50% of Democrats still believe the
media, they are brainwashed. They are, as they say, "sharp as a tack"
when it comes to understanding the world.

Brainwashing need not be permanent. There really are plenty of smart
people--often very smart people--who simply trust the media and the
"experts." Many Democrats had their eyes opened by the June debate
between Biden and Trump, and others by the media's coverage of Israel.

Yet many more need their eyes opened. It is our job to help them get there.
Jim Wilkins
2024-10-15 23:16:25 UTC
"a425couple" wrote in message news:5PAPO.47290$***@fx33.iad...
Not to put too fine a point on it, but I think one of the big reasons
why there is such a strong divide is that many Democrats are susceptible
to brainwashing. Their craziness about COVID, their acceptance of gender
ideology, and their embrace of censorship are all driven by a desire to
have their reality defined by others. They seek the comfort of giving in
to the will of others.

It's why you so often see leftists perfectly comfortable believing
incompatible ideas. They simply accept what they are told.

Not all Democrats are like that, of course, and some Republicans surely
are. But study after study shows that Republicans are generally more in
tune with reality (that is not a prejudice of mine; there really are
such studies), and understand Democrats, while Democrats don't
understand Republicans.

I see evidence that leftists can't accept that they are less successful due
to their own failings and seek group validation that the dogma they profess
to believe somehow (don't ask) makes them morally superior to those they
envy and resent. It's a replay of the old religious divide between the
doctrines of salvation through Faith or Good Works, with Faith being the
backup if you can't accomplish anything useful. Notice how thoroughly
leftist the totally unproductive media and entertainment industry are. The
current motto "Vote blue no matter who" is a symptom of the sheeples' desire
to belong in the herd, called Bandwagon in the vocabulary of political

"Bandwagon and "inevitable-victory" appeals attempt to persuade the target
audience to join in and take the course of action that "everyone else is

A visible sign they are actually committed to CO2 reduction will be when
they dry their own laundry on clotheslines as I do instead of just attacking
others for excessive energy consumption.

This story describes how to lead a society to its own destruction by
introducing an attractive but poisonous idea. I believe we have become such
2024-10-16 01:30:04 UTC
Post by a425couple
It is best to go to the citation to see the charts.
Gallup: Even Democrats Are Losing Faith in the Media
David Strom 2:00 PM | October 15, 2024
In today's world that could be Tik Tok or Facebook.
Only us old folks read, listen or watch traditional media.
