The Golden Dome of DJT
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Chris Ahlstrom
2025-03-23 17:35:38 UTC

Forty years after President Ronald Reagan first conceived the idea, defense
industry leaders say the technology is finally advanced enough to build an
invisible protective dome of space-based radars, missile interceptors and
laser weapons over the United States.

President Donald Trump, infatuated by the Iron Dome missile defense system
over Israel, first ordered the Defense Department to begin drawing up plans
for a U.S. version, the "Golden Dome," in January.

But Israel is roughly the size of New Jersey, so a dome of protection could
prove far more daunting for the much larger land mass of the U.S. And the
threats to Israel usually come from its neighbors, who use short-range
weapons. America's foes — North Korea, Iran, Russia and China — are half a
world away and armed with intercontinental ballistics missiles (ICBMs) and
hypersonics, all factors that make the project more challenging for a
nation on the size and scale of the U.S.

So questions remain. Will the Golden Dome encompass the entire country,
including Hawaii, Alaska and U.S. military bases in locations like Guam?
Would it be able to protect against short-range missiles, long-range
missiles, unmanned and manned aircraft?


Yeah, Reagan's Star Wars worked out real well.

How we gonna fund this with that gigantic tax break for billionaires?
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.
-- Hunter S. Thompson
Jim Wilkins
2025-03-23 23:04:00 UTC
"Chris Ahlstrom" wrote in message news:vrpgpb$2ri2r$***@dont-email.me...


Forty years after President Ronald Reagan first conceived the idea,
industry leaders say the technology is finally advanced enough to build
invisible protective dome of space-based radars, missile interceptors
laser weapons over the United States.

President Donald Trump, infatuated by the Iron Dome missile defense
over Israel, first ordered the Defense Department to begin drawing up
for a U.S. version, the "Golden Dome," in January.

But Israel is roughly the size of New Jersey, so a dome of protection
prove far more daunting for the much larger land mass of the U.S. And
threats to Israel usually come from its neighbors, who use short-range
weapons. America's foes — North Korea, Iran, Russia and China — are half
world away and armed with intercontinental ballistics missiles (ICBMs)
hypersonics, all factors that make the project more challenging for a
nation on the size and scale of the U.S.

So questions remain. Will the Golden Dome encompass the entire country,
including Hawaii, Alaska and U.S. military bases in locations like Guam?
Would it be able to protect against short-range missiles, long-range
missiles, unmanned and manned aircraft?


Yeah, Reagan's Star Wars worked out real well.

How we gonna fund this with that gigantic tax break for billionaires?
Star Wars worked as intended. My Russian connections privately verified that
trying to counter the threat of it bankrupted them, though their finances
were intentionally far too obscured to prove it. I even got a shoulder patch
for this:

We already build much of Iron Dome.
"The majority of Tamir missile components are procured through the Raytheon
supply chain in the United States."

Deterrence is subtle and complex enough to challenge the experts. Start by
trying to understand this:

Most of the USA isn't worth targeting with limited missile resources. A
defense needn't be perfect, only good enough at minimum that we retain the
ability to wipe the enemy out after they justify it. Beyond that we could
defend as much as the voters will pay for.
Jim Wilkins
2025-03-24 02:44:20 UTC
"Jim Wilkins" wrote in message news:vrq41c$3ep0a$***@dont-email.me...

"Chris Ahlstrom" wrote in message news:vrpgpb$2ri2r$***@dont-email.me...


Forty years after President Ronald Reagan first conceived the idea,
industry leaders say the technology is finally advanced enough to build
invisible protective dome of space-based radars, missile interceptors
laser weapons over the United States.


Reagan didn't conceive Star Wars, he did what his expert advisors told him
to. Carter studied and understood the missile launch protocols, in drills
Reagan was "OK General, what do I do now?". Star Wars was theatrical
illusion which Reagan did understand.

"he Council's roots date to 1980 as a group which prepared many of the
Reagan Administration Transition Team's space policy papers. The Council was
formally created in 1981 by joint action of the American Astronautical
Society and the L5 Society to develop a detailed and technically feasible
space policy to further the national interest."

"Originally written together by Jerry Pournelle and Stefan Thomas Possony,
this book has defined the evolution of modern warfare and laid the
foundation to US military domination in the late 20th and early 21st
century. Formerly required reading at the US War College, the book explains
the necessity of technological innovation for the control of strategical and
tactical operations since the dawn of war."
2025-03-24 05:37:19 UTC
A complete "IronDome" for the USA is not practical ... just
too much land-mass.

However for 'critical locations', some of the bigger cities
and military assets, it CAN be done and, now, likely SHOULD.

In short, Vlad/Xi/Kim/Ayatollahs should NOT think they'll
get away with it.

Oh, as per Reagans "Star Wars', exaggerating the PRETENSE
of an all-encompassing shield CAN be useful ......
Jim Wilkins
2025-03-24 10:54:30 UTC
"c186282" wrote in message news:9HKdnf-***@giganews.com...

A complete "IronDome" for the USA is not practical ... just
too much land-mass.

However for 'critical locations', some of the bigger cities
and military assets, it CAN be done and, now, likely SHOULD.

In short, Vlad/Xi/Kim/Ayatollahs should NOT think they'll
get away with it.

Oh, as per Reagans "Star Wars', exaggerating the PRETENSE
of an all-encompassing shield CAN be useful ......

Iron Dome doesn't protect the entire country, it tracks incoming ballistic
missiles, predicts their impact point, and doesn't waste interceptors on
inaccurate ones that will miss valuable targets.

Pretense and deception have been part of military tactics since at least the
earliest written records.
“All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we
must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we
are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we
must make him believe we are near.”

The Hidden Markov Model I mentioned is a response to the above translated
into computer language so AI can help.
2025-03-25 05:58:39 UTC
Post by c186282
A complete "IronDome" for the USA is not practical ... just
too much land-mass.
However for 'critical locations', some of the bigger cities
and military assets, it CAN be done and, now, likely SHOULD.
In short, Vlad/Xi/Kim/Ayatollahs should NOT think they'll
get away with it.
Oh, as per Reagans "Star Wars', exaggerating the PRETENSE
of an all-encompassing shield CAN be useful ......
Iron Dome doesn't protect the entire country, it tracks incoming
ballistic missiles, predicts their impact point, and doesn't waste
interceptors on inaccurate ones that will miss valuable targets.
Pretense and deception have been part of military tactics since at least
the earliest written records.
“All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack,
we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive;
when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when
far away, we must make him believe we are near.”
The Hidden Markov Model I mentioned is a response to the above
translated into computer language so AI can help.
I watched IronDome in action against Iran/Hez attacks.
It was really good - but I think I see some cracks in
how it works, cheap ways to cheat it.

If I can, so can Israel's enemies.

So can US enemies.
Jim Wilkins
2025-03-25 13:51:12 UTC
I watched IronDome in action against Iran/Hez attacks.
It was really good - but I think I see some cracks in
how it works, cheap ways to cheat it.

If I can, so can Israel's enemies.

So can US enemies.

But do the enemies have the scientific and hardware capabilities to exploit
them faster than the defender can respond?

I studied the declassified scientific battle between Britain and the Nazis
to gain insights for my not-too-dissimilar job.

Britain assembled quite small teams of mixed theoretical experts, practical
engineers and clever technicians. For example Watson-Watt's hands-on lab
tech Arnold Wilkins created their first radar demonstration. The trick is to
partition the task into blocks one person can handle, to minimize
disagreement. For small quick projects I learned how to design and build
electronics, machine the structure and write the software, which eliminated
a lot of duplication and awkward interaction as I could solve a problem in
the simplest and easiest one of them.

In several cases Britain had the counter-measure ready before or very soon
after the Germans deployed the innovation. They masked the counter-measure
by providing another excuse for German failure, like sending a plane to
"spot" a U-Boot that had been detected with millimeter radar, and they kept
using the older radars they knew the Germans could detect. The story that
carrots improve lookouts' night vision was another mask for improved radar.

In the Farm Hall audio tapes of the captured German nuclear scientists they
credit Americans with a degree of teamwork they couldn't achieve, partly due
to Nazi dog-eat-dog management. The Japanese a-bomb project lacked resources
and had even less success than the German one despite very qualified
personnel. Their inability to improve on the Navy's Zero fighter plane fast
enough to keep up with the P-38, F6F and F4U was partly a technical
management issue, their Army did quite a bit better.
Jim Wilkins
2025-03-25 17:02:39 UTC
Post by Jim Wilkins
"A truly delightful book which I have read several times and regard so
highly that I have bought a signed edition presented to one of the members
of the British Armed Forces research teams concerned with German Nuclear
weapons, called ALSOS (a meaningless acronym purely for secrecy)"

Actually ALSOS is Greek for "GROVE", a not-so-secret connection which highly
irritated General Leslie Groves who headed the Manhattan Project.
Governor Swill
2025-03-25 03:12:16 UTC
On Sun, 23 Mar 2025 13:35:38 -0400, Chris Ahlstrom
Post by Chris Ahlstrom
So questions remain. Will the Golden Dome encompass the entire country,
including Hawaii, Alaska and U.S. military bases in locations like Guam?.
Perhaps, as the system builds.
Post by Chris Ahlstrom
Would it be able to protect against short-range missiles, long-range
missiles, unmanned and manned aircraft?
And eventually particle beam weapons.
2025-03-25 06:02:07 UTC
Post by Governor Swill
On Sun, 23 Mar 2025 13:35:38 -0400, Chris Ahlstrom
Post by Chris Ahlstrom
So questions remain. Will the Golden Dome encompass the entire country,
including Hawaii, Alaska and U.S. military bases in locations like Guam?.
Perhaps, as the system builds.
Post by Chris Ahlstrom
Would it be able to protect against short-range missiles, long-range
missiles, unmanned and manned aircraft?
And eventually particle beam weapons.
Ummmmm ... skip the Star Trek.

Particle-beams sure look great in sci-fi, but
every practical use is fraught with problems
that may never be overcome.

Lasers have their own suckiness factor.

So, for at least the next 25 years, it's gonna
be PHYSICAL interceptors.

"AI" can smarten those up considerably.